
97 Game Reviews

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This still needs a lot of work. But the concept is nifty.

Back-grounds would be a nice option.

The ability to re-size markings would make the game more versatile.

And more of them, or, infinite loop like in some dress-up games where it seems you have endless supplies of the same items to use.

Maybe in the future it could be combined with a "Make your own Bleach character" game.

I'd study some of the dress-up games out there for inspiration for Implementing your items in-game.

Moreover: aside from functionality, aesthetics play a big part. Everything's just kind of laying all over the screen. Functionality wise the drag and drop works well for this. though if you are a symmetry nerd like me, it can be kind of irking, LOL.

Furthermore, I don't know if it's just me, but your achievement doesn't seem to work.

Speaking of; You could use a "Finished!" button or something to trigger the achievement if it is in fact, not working properly.

Cute art, Challenging but fun game-play. And as far as the use of physics went, it struck me as more original with the arrow control.
Which until now I've only seen in " Snow ball" Physics games.

All my stars R Blong 2 this.

Even though it's you're first game. I can't rate this. Really.

-You need more expressive dialog.
- Animated bits are choppy
-Game play is choppy
- The story has a chance, but it needs more development overall.
- Y NO Able to kill enemies?

Keep at it, though! Gotta do things wrong to learn to do them right.

macobex027 responds:

True :)) thx for the suggestions :)) ill keep that in mind next time i update :)

Cute graphics, cute story, just plain cute<3

I have to agree with the controls, not very convenient for a Righty.

Maybe for the next one, jumping on Atomicchipmnk's idea here.

Make it so you can use either WASD or arrows, using the mouse still to control the blob, but rather than having the blob always there ( it gets in the way, honestly) Click to activate blob when you need it and control it independently from there.

Summing it up:

-Having the blob on the screen all the time gets in the way in spots.
-The controls are very friendly to right-handed folks.

Other than that, it's a fun little game.

Anyone recognize the evil jester from Meaty Boner in the Rose hotel? I'm going to assume you had permission to use that guy.

It's cute.
It's very simple and all that stuff, but this seems like something of a "Game that isn't a game"
I'm giving you a five. Not so much for the game it's self, but for having the balls to propose to your girl in such a charming and creative way.

I was still getting killed by triggered traps.

Hardly even into the game yet and on the stairs a rock fell, I figured I could jump over it but nope, Chuck Testa.

Awesome game but....

I'm not getting the piano key deal so well, I might be playing it wrong? Either way try as I might I can't seem to get those metals >.< it's maddening!

Forget about the tree queen...

Tip top is what is Fing me up, but I otherwise finished the game.
I like it. 10. It was challenging, didn't slow down my computer, very nice graphics too.

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