
97 Game Reviews

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Lovely game, my only complaint would be that the time trial you have to get the star seems a bit unrealistic to me. No matter how fast I click through it; I can't seem to manage it in 10 seconds.

I liked it but the controls are just too darn sensitive. Luiz, you jump and slide friggin everywhere and I suggest you lay off the caffeinated beverages. :P

luizhsrocha responds:

he he he. Thanks! I'm going to fix this "friction issue" and also make the controls clearer to the user.

I see potential in this so I rated you 5. However when you lose and it asks you to play again, it glitched out when it returned to the title card.

Logotype metal doesn't seem to be working but the others so far and the ones after seem to. I've yet to finish patterns or the bonus pack or animals. The octopus is tricky.

I've been returning to this game every night for three days. That's how addictive it is.

If you have made this into an Iphone app, I bet it's selling well.

Art is simple, modern and clean....Game play is awesome.

Could have done with more hints but with less of the puzzle solving half of it's self. It made even the real stumpers too easy. ( I ran out of hints at octopus. lol. Had I not carelessly blown them simply to advance I wouldn't be cussing out calamari.)

Love it. hope to see expansions and such in the future.

Awesome, but your walk through only goes up to level thirty. I found myself stuck on forty two.

Other than a single spelling error ( Cribe instead of Crib.) great game.

Emby responds:

Consider it fixed. Thanks.

I like the idea and everything ran smoothly for the most part but it lagged and the player will definitely want the latest version of flash to play. I crashed pretty hard.

I'll give you a five but there's an issue. After the initial into level, it resized itself and no longer fits in New ground's standard screen size format and I was no longer able to do any actions. T^his happened again when I stretched the screen and used a pop up too.

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