
97 Game Reviews

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I'm not big on the mouse click dynamic but otherwise I think it's a good game. Maybe the next one could use wasd or arrows though, or at least offer it.

Word for the wise, holding the left mouse button is a huge cheat in the mazes, you may want to fix that some how.

There were other glitches too. My unhappy meter went as far as 500,000 or something before I just quit the game, Some items got stuck in my inventory even after I used them.

Seemed like one of those "click the mouse as hard and fast as possible until your finger falls off" games. Which is fine....well, no it isn't, for any game maker (y'know, "endurance" games" ugh! )......But, if you worked on your graphics ( more stylized art,details maybe some easter eggs between dresses... medals for how much patience you have for sitting there and clicking rapid fire for two hours.... etc.) it would be more entertaining even with a one button dynamic. I gave half a star since this has the potential to be a good-purposefully-bad-game.

I liked it, I see alot of potential, rather than crap on it how about offering up some advice guys?

Bigger playing area

More models of rag doll ( man, woman, Rage guy, there's so many possibilities)

A more interesting map right now it's too small and there isn't much to throw the guy against.

Buzz saws, an escalator it could perpetually fall down, bear traps, etc.

Maybe in the future have the ability to make a map and share it.

Cute game to dink with, I turned the gravity off and made the rag doll spin like a propeller. :P

Love it. I'll share it to FB and get more people to love it. <3

+ sign if you think the Zombie looks like Justine Bieber.

This is more of an interactive movie, and a "screamer", not a game. You might want to re-upload in a different category.

Love it

very nicely done.

BeardshakerGames responds:

Thank you!

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