
97 Game Reviews

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10/10 would play again and probably will.

Awesome game, I could see this as a game for the iphone or android. The increments of the difficulty were just fine if you ask me. I enjoy the build up of delayed satisfaction I'd be irate if it was quick out of the gate and I kept getting killed under 1500 points in all honesty. Maybe in the future, different difficulty modes for the first time player, casual gamer, intermediate and experienced.

I absolutely love it. As a matter of fact, and I hope you don't mind; I did a short let's play of it. And if I didn't mention it there, the artwork is adorable. The upgrade system is completely and totally awesome, the game played smoothly I haven't had a glitch or issue at all. The music? Oh my god the music. I'm still drooling on myself. It's delicious. The music is some of the sweetest ear candy I've heard in a game of this genre and retro style. 5 stars, all of my like. Every last drop of it. -TEEG

It has a lot of potential, but as a gadget more so than a game. I also experienced trouble with one of the timers not working and they are not accurate to time, otherwise it would make a handy kitchen gadget for a smart phone if you were to ask me.

Has potential as a kitchen gadget for a smart phone.
The timers would have to be accurate.
I had sound off, do they ding when ready?

Other than having to start ALL OVER AGAIN after pumping five hours into it. I'm digging the game. Anyone care to tell me what happened to my saves though? T_T

Update:2019: Wanna know what happened to my saves? "new computer who's this?" That's what happened. Local saves don't mean anything when you replace your computer. I'm a goof. Flame me back to hades.

I love this game and LOVE this series and currently await EBF5.

Everyone complaining that it is impossible are just butt hurt.

The clues are pretty darn obvious if you ask me. If anything it's boarder line too easy. The maze was probably the hardest part, but if you remember those symbols from Bang Bang you're all but set.

I'm giving such a good review for your ability to hide things in plain sight. It's brilliant. It might come off as insanely difficult to those who don't Easter Egg hunt every game they've played for the last decade.

The story intrigues me. I'd like to see a sequel. More elaboration on the characters and the situation over time would be awesome.

Protip to those having trouble: Don't read anything too deeply. You'll drive yourself crazy.

I like it but it would be nice if in the next one, you can add the ability to change quality. This made it difficult for me to play. My computer is.....how you say... Ancient. lol

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